Guiding You Through the Process of Caring for Your New Puppy or Kitten

Puppies and kittens require special care and attention when it comes to setting them up for a healthy life. New pet parents may have lots of questions about their new furry friend, and pets don't come with an instruction manual! That is why 4 Paws Pet Clinic works with pet owners to give you all the information about your pet's care. The first year of your pet's life comes with plenty of challenges and exciting moments, and we will be there to help you through it all! We can guide you through the process of vaccinating your puppy or kitten, teach you the importance of spaying and neutering, educate you on parasite prevention and treatment, and recommend the right food for your new family member. Every animal is unique, so we can get to know your new pet throughout the course of their lifetime and create a health care plan that is designed around their specific needs.

Puppy and kitten services should always include a full physical exam, vaccinations, heartworm treatment, and a fecal test to rule out parasites. We offer a free nail trim for puppies and kittens while they are receiving any vaccine.

We complete the vaccination process on a strict schedule to prevent failure.

Vaccinations For Your Puppy

4 Paws Pet Clinic recommends a series of distemper vaccines (distemper, hepatitis, parvovirus and parainfluenza) starting at 6-8 weeks. Rabies vaccine at 16 weeks. We also offer vaccines for leptospira, bordatella (kennel cough), borrelia (lyme disease).

Vaccinations For Your Kitten

We recommend a series of FVRCP (feline rhinotracheitis, calicivirus, feline panleukopenia) starting at 8 weeks and FeLV (feline leukemia virus).

Learn more about the other services that we offer.