Microchipping: Permanent Identification for Your Pet

To ensure that your pet returns home safely, you should ask our veterinarians about microchipping. Microchipping is a safe and effective way to be reunited with your pet if they are lost or leave home.

Microchips are implanted into your pet’s skin during a process similar to vaccination. Each microchip is encoded with information about your pet that is tracked in a national database. Veterinary hospitals, clinics, and shelters across the country have special scanners that can detect and read the microchips. If your pet goes missing, their microchip is scanned and the information is used to return your pet home safely.

4 Paws Pet Clinic uses the HomeAgain microchip system. The HomeAgain ID system uses microchips that register the animal with a unique identification number that is filed in a database with important contact information. This information can be updated at any time.

HomeAgain membership also offers benefits such as proactive pet recovery and free access to ASPCA Poison Control. HomeAgain also comes with several very useful services to pet owners such as their National Pet Recovery Database, Lost Pet Specialists, Rapid Lost Pet Alerts, Lost Pet Medical Insurance, Travel Assistance for Found Pets, and more.

Additionally, HomeAgain uses technology that is standardized around the world so that your pet's microchip can be read at shelters in a number of countries.

Call 4 Paws Pet Clinic at (815) 523-7297 (PAWS) to schedule your pet's appointment to receive their microchips.

Learn more about the other services that we offer.