Pet Wellness Exams at 4 Paws Pet Clinic

Pets benefit greatly from regular wellness examinations. Since our pets age significantly faster than us, we recommend that all pets receive an examination at least once a year. Taking your pet to the veterinarian once a year is the same as if you were to see a doctor for an exam only once every 6 to 8 years. As they get older, more frequent examinations may be necessary.

During our wellness examination, we look at your pet’s heart and lung functions, joints, muscles, vision, and many other areas. Because so much can change with your pet's physical health, a regular exam is a must to ensure your pet remains happy and healthy.

As puppies and kittens grow older, their health care needs change. Your pet enters their adult lives around the age of 2 and their senior years around the age of 7. Adult and senior pets start developing diseases such as heart disease, cancer, endocrine disease, and diabetes. Preventative healthcare is very important for seniors as many of these diseases can go unrecognized earlier in their life.

You can minimize suffering in your senior pets, avoid unnecessary health risks, and prevent diseases with early detection. We recommend older pets be examined every 6 – 8 months with full laboratory screening.

Call 4 Paws Pet Clinic to schedule your pet’s wellness exam to ensure they age wonderfully.

Learn more about the other services that we offer.